Legal entities


Tax services provided by Czech Taxes for legal entities


  • Preparation of all tax forms and reports for legal entities utilizing our proven  procedures (income tax, VAT, real estate acquisition tax, property tax, vehicle tax, etc.).


  • Tax revision of your whole company or only some areas (low capitalization, leases, property, marketing, reserves and allowances).


  • Calculation of income tax for  use in financial statements.


  • Contract preparation advisory (risk minimization).


  • Advice available on our tax hotline.


  • Preparation and optimization of internal tax guidelines.


  • Tax advisory for tangible and intangible company assets.


  • International taxation advisory including creating a permanent establishment in the Czech republic.


  • Complex advisory when founding or liquidating a company.


  • Providing up-to-date information on tax legislature changes.


  • Organizing tax seminars (i.e. legislature changes).


  • Perform simulated tax authority inspection aimed at specific taxes to determine tax risks and suggest solutions.


  • Provide complete accounting and payroll agenda services.